All The Details

Why does the last 5% of a project seem to take 95% of the time? Project bike builders will know what that’s all about. There seems to be an endless list of the smaller details and adjustments to look after.

The bike is starting to look more like a completed machine these days.

Many things on the to do list including; hydraulic lines for oil, brake and clutch systems. Cooling and electrical etc. Some progress images below…

Of course none of the standard Honda VF1000 external coolant lines will fit the bespoke frame so they all had to be custom made for the job.

Custom cables for the Domino throttle.

A wiring harness in the works for the Ignitech TCIP4 ignition and custom Li-Ion battery which should weigh in at less than 500 grams.

We can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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